Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Just like e-mails, ezines or newsletters are highly affordable and effective online marketing strategies. They are distributed strictly by subscription and hence are not likely to be tagged as spam by search engines or users. They focus on a specific group of readers and as such help a retailer build up on trust.

Some ezines are even posted on websites and blogs in the form of articles or blog posts. The usual method for delivering an ezine to the reader is sending him an e-mail or alert whenever the ezine is published. Newsletters can be published daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly depending on how frequently the user wants to receive them.

Newsletters can be quite profitable as well if they are published in an article directory which has PPC features. All that is required to publish an ezine is a professional content writer and an auto responder service or broadcast feature.

In order to make the best of this online marketing strategy, it is necessary to submit more than 20 articles per month. Just like press releases, RSS feeds, blog posts and other written work, newsletters function as means of adding to website visibility. If the search engines are convinced of the accuracy and originality of the text in a newsletter than there is a better chance of the website being indexed.

At Cosmos Learnings, we provide exceptional writing solutions for businesses online. From initial research and consultation with our clients to carrying out an e-marketing campaign, we use tools like newsletters to take care of each aspect that has the potential to increase your business.

Visit us at www.cosmoslearnings.com to know more about our content writing services.

Friday, November 23, 2007

About Content Copyright:

As laid down by the US Code, “Copyright refers to the exclusive right that is rewarded to an individual to reproduce, distribute, perform, display or license his work. An individual can also produce or license derivatives of his work.” The law requires that for a work to be protected by the Code, it should be in a medium that is ‘concrete’ and is original.

For protecting the works that are published online the Digital Millennium Copyright Act [DMCA] is the one solution that a site owner can use. By filing a complaint via Google, action can be taken against the offender. If the offending website uses the Adsense feature of Google, than the Adsense team comes to aid.

The first option a site owner has is always a polite request to take off the copied content off the website. If this does not work than a wronged party can take recourse to the DMCA.

Scraper sites, spam, made for Adsense [MFA] sites simply interfere with the smooth processing and retrieval of information. While it is imperative that such Internet flotsam be fought against, it is equally important to remember that a tool like the DMCA is prevented from being abused.

Using content that is original and based on ethical research methods is the best way a website can establish a credible name for itself. Web surfers visit a website or a blogsite or a gallery for specific information that they are looking for. When they come across a site that has what they are looking for but does not confirm to the general layout of the particular site, they instantly know that such data cannot be trusted. Each visit to a site matters.

At Cosmos Learnings, professional content writers work on creating and developing site content that confirms to writing ethics and copyright laws. Each client associated with us is different and as such treated differently. Our content writing services cover content for websites, blogs, press releases, brochures and other marketing aids.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Private Label Articles:

The phenomenon of ghostwriting is not limited to the publishing world. Its presence is very real in the virtual world as well. An astonishing number of content writers write articles and web content for use by another party. These articles are commonly known as private label articles as they are passed along under private label rights [PLR].

Private label rights allow the purchaser to attach his name to the private label article. In a way it implies a legalized copying of content. But then again, search engines treat sites that have content that seems to be duplicated as scraper sites and do not index them. There doesn’t seem to be much logic in using private label articles when this is the case.

Think again.

There are writers who put private label articles to good use. Content writers are constantly on the look-out for new information. Research forms a main segment of their work. Every source that provides new and relevant information is important to be examined carefully. A private label article as such, feeds them with knowledge that can prove useful to their research. There is no dearth of article directories on the Internet that list articles that are rich in information.

Abuse of private label articles is not uncommon however. There are site owners and lesser writers who see private label articles as a convenient way to fill up their blogs or websites with reams and reams of content. It does not matter if the content is duplicated by a score of other sites or not. A little tweaking here, a little editing there and an article purchased under a PLR can be re-sold as private label article as article directories have no way of recognizing this.

At Cosmos Learnings, our content writing team use content that is original and is based on authentic research. We examine and study different sources and build content sticking to the theme of the topic.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Augmenting Visibility With Content:

Search engines are the determining elements when it comes to recognizing the relevancy of a particular website. And site relevancy in turn is decided by a search engine based upon the SEO methods that have been used.

But how does organic search engine optimization make high page rank possible? E-marketing professionals hold the quality of the text that is displayed on the website as the backbone of a high ranking website. They use a range of tactics to make a website search engine friendly.

Most online marketers place content that is in context to the website’s objectives as the main requirement to render a site search engine friendly. Information that has been intensively researched and then written by a web content writer can lend added credibility to a business. When there is attention paid to detail, the consumer automatically understands that a business is to be trusted.

Expert content writers also keep the website’s status in a search engine oiled by regularly updating and modifying the text on a web page. As search engine algorithms keep changing, content writers have to keep modifying the content.

At Cosmos Learnings, professional content writers know what it takes to create interesting content. A strong search engine optimization background allows them to keep the search engines in mind alongside the end user. Our clients have been known to experience an increase in sales with our smart SEO tactics and high impact writing skills.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Cultivating Your Corporate Blog:

When blogging as a platform stepped into mainstream communication, it revolutionized the way public opinion was raised. Just about anyone could publish what they thought on the Internet. And what’s more, it was free.

The increase in user-friendly blogging softwares and tools added to the popularity of this medium of communication. While traditional methods of publishing involve time and money, blogging made it possible for users to update their respective blogs as frequently as they desired. The wheel of knowledge sharing was set in motion.

This brilliant method of publishing was capitalized upon by corporate houses who seen the marketing potential it presented. The business blog was the result of public relation strategies for marketing a business’ goods and services online.

Businesses now had a platform where they could reach out to their target market and interact with them through tools like feedbacks, surveys, polls and comments. While most of the content is biased to a certain extent, first-hand information is the main advantage which consumers have.

Setting up a corporate blog can be done either by an employee or by the owner of the business. However, for creating and managing a more professionally designed blog it is advisable to accept the services of online marketing experts. These professionals are usually proficient in web designing services and e-marketing strategies. They also possess a trove of knowledge and content writing abilities.

Content writers are in the know about forces that drive a market. They are well-versed in public relation concepts. Cosmos Learnings possesses such a knowledgeable team of writers.

Our e-marketing campaigns include creating and managing an interesting and regularly updated blog for our clients. Our content writers are aware about the latest developments affecting market conditions and work accordingly to take your business to another level.

Here A Tag, There A Tag, Everywhere A Tag Tag:

It is easy to tag/label an object or person. We’ve been learning to do it from kindergarten. Pigeon- holing anything and everything there is at your disposal sounds fun. And to an extent it is, though in a positive way. The 1990’s introduced the meta element in the world of web development and search engine optimization. These tags proved handy for SEOs, who used them in order to garner higher search engine rankings for their clients, which ultimately resulted in better visibility for their respective websites.

When creating meta tags it is important to avoid creating the same meta tags for every page of your website. Meta tags include title meta tags, description meta tags, and keyword meta tags. Of these, the title meta tag is the most important, as it is what visitors to your website will see featured on their browser when on your page. It is also what the search engine picks up when considering the ranking a particular page has to receive.

The description meta tags are not that important, but doesn’t hurt to have one as in a way, it gives a peek to what is on your page. Copy writing it in a dynamic style compels a searcher to accept your website as a search result by clicking on it. The keyword meta tags are the more trickier to create than the other two meta tags. Wrong keywords will tag YOU as a spammer and could lead to penalization. The most used keywords in your page should be the ones that are included in the keyword meta tags for your website.

Each type of meta tags are important in their own way where high search engine rankings are concerned. The right combination of these three meta elements can boost your site to higher rankings and attract more traffic to your website.

At Cosmos Learnings, our team of professional web content writers understands concepts like these. Working in tandem with the SEO team strategies like these are implemented to elevate a website’s search engine rankings.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

How Press Releases Function:

News releases, press releases or news statements are powerful PR generating tools. Business organizations issue them for the prime purpose of providing first hand information about issues concerning the organization. They inform, educate, elucidate, promote and in a way advertise the company or its produce.

A news release is mainly written in third person format with its predominant note voicing first hand knowledge about any events involving the company or new services and products that may be on offer. A statement can also involve information about any individual associated with the company.

Thus depending on their content, press releases have varying forms like general news releases, event release, product press release and social media release and are frequently accompanied by sales pitches that are strategically composed.

Once formulated a news release is mailed, faxed or e-mailed to editors in the print media or to television stations, radio and news networks. It is also posted on online forums and discussion boards. Doing so subtly invite the journalists and reporters to develop articles upon and generate interest in the organization.

While mainstream news agencies are the main targets for a press release, an increasing number of businesses are also seeing the advantage in sending out press releases to those sections of the market that seem beneficial to the organization’s profit making goals. Their concise and precise nature makes them effective means of establishing communication with the target clients and winning their support for the business.

Cosmos Learnings offers content writing services that include press release compilation as well. Content writers having a sharp writing acumen develop statements that prove beneficial to a business by attracting the attentions of the desired target market.

Contact us at: http://www.cosmoslearnings.com/

Friday, July 6, 2007

Just Writing

My boss tells me ‘you’ve got to write’. Sounds simple right? Then why is it that the word gives me cold feet and sweaty palms? Writing is my passion, a hobby that’s now a job. But then we all have our days. ‘Writer’s block’, every writer will be able to identify with my this state of mind. There are days when the mind just does not want to think, I also call it the ‘blank state’. This is when the passion turns into a nightmare. Where are my thoughts? Can somebody help me? The worst is staring at an open blank document, which stares right back with impudence.

You write a sentence, and then there goes ‘delete’. No word or sentence gives you satisfaction. Words refuse to flow, thoughts refuse to surface. There you go, procrastination sets in. Now every other thing seems more pleasurable than writing. Then comes the restless stage, when your mind goes into an overdrive. Why can’t I write? Why is it so difficult?

Now when I go through this phase, I have learnt how to overcome it and get into the writing mode. I just ‘switch off’ my mind, I don’t push myself to think, I go for a stroll and enjoy the nature and think of everything but what I need to write on. It’s the last thing on my mind. It helps, maybe you won’t be able to write pages and pages, but a page will surely come out of it.

For all of us satisfaction is the key word. At the end of the piece, you should feel like you have conveyed all that you wanted to. The reader should be as satisfied as you.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Writing the 'RIGHT' way

Poor grammar and wrong spelling hamper the performance of websites, blogs, articles and any other form of media writing. A website or a document that contains spelling errors, poor punctuation and awkward sentence structure confines the smooth flow of reading and can ultimately result in the loss of a customer.

Cosmos Creatives offers you a range of ‘Content Writing’ services, ranging from writing press releases, blogs, articles, website writing to ‘editing and proofreading’ legal documents. When you’re trying to say something why not say it right. Typographical errors should be avoided; they dampen the entire spirit of the article.

It is true when we say that ‘commas are sometimes sprinkled like confetti, takes more time correcting a grammatically incorrect sentence than writing a new one’. Editing or proofreading takes twice the amount of time as compared to writing an article from scratch. Trying to correct someone else’s thoughts sometimes is a more difficult and daunting task. If you go over a sentence more than twice it almost sounds correct, which is when the real test begins.

Today time is money. Your day is busy enough without having to worry about the finer details involved in checking or improving memos, reports, presentations, manuals and all those other vital but time-consuming documents. Check out our range of business services to see how we can help you handle your backlog. It can be hard to know if you're using the right words, or if you have the correct meaning for a phrase or expression. Our experts will be able to figure out what you want to say and help you communicate in English, if English is your second language.

Convey exactly what’s on your mind!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Blog on Blog

A blog are your personal thoughts, you could write on anything. But yes it’s read. They are personal just till you click on the ‘send’ or the ‘submit’. It is personal only when it’s in your mind and your computer, as soon as it gets online they are read by hundreds if not thousands. But that should not stop you or deter you from expressing yourself freely. A blog gives you the platform and provides you with that ‘personal space’ on the net. You have your own space to tell the world or the online audience your innermost thoughts and feelings.

Though this medium today is used I feel more as a marketing gimmick. Any blog you read and it gives you a feeling that they are thrusting or shoving something down your throat. It is a very effective e-Marketing tool. All your products and your company philosophy can be advertised effectively. A blog can be made very interesting because there are no guidelines to follow. You can take the serious approach or you can make it as humorous as possible. A blog does not feel clichéd. Every individual is different from the other and his thoughts and how they come across differentiates one blog from the other.

Every writer has his own adopted style of writing. Sometimes when you regularly read some individual’s blog you can the next time almost predict his writing. That is the best part of a blog they are individuals with their own niche identity. Blogs are written spanning any topic. You could write from learning to entertainment to the smallest happening of the day. As long as you make it interesting and fun. Sometimes you don’t even need to that. You can just jot down your thoughts just the way you’re thinking without jazzing them up. Because a blog is your personal space for you to write the way you want to.

We at Cosmos Creatives also undertake blog writing as one of our services. They could be your thoughts with our words. They say ‘content is king’ but we are humble and so is our content. Our blogs are based entirely on your thoughts and feelings. We are just there to give your thoughts a voice through our words. But ofcourse it is all about you and how comfortable you would be. You could also just write it and we could edit it for you so that what you are trying to convey is conveyed ‘the right way!’

Monday, May 21, 2007

Press Release

By definition a press release is simply content prepared for distribution to the media. Simply said - the content should be useful, accurate and interesting. Press releases generally follow a standard format. ‘You have to be seen to be heard’ is the norm. Therefore for your press release to get filtered with the best you have to have a catchy and powerful headline. Who wants to read the same stuff?

At COSMOS we make sure that your press release is read by the right audience creating the right impact. There are certain norms and standards that need to be adhered to. There is an established format. If your press release is printed just the way you sent it, then you know you are on the right page and can “Write on!”
Press releases are short and concise. Answering questions to the point. The body of the press release is very basic; who, what, where, when and why. The first paragraph briefly gives you a gist of what the rest of the press release contains.

We here at COSMOS write to be read. Our employees use the power of the pen to get your thoughts across effectively. A well written press release could go a long way in pulling in good business. This is the most effective medium which is read by all. There are various types of press releases such as general news, events, products and entertainment press releases.

There is a section in a press release called the ‘Boilerplate’ which is a short ‘about’ section which provides information on the organization and the individual.

Press releases are the best way to communicate and advertise your product the right way. So a well written press release could win you accolades and in turn good clients.

Hiring a professional is the best choice when it comes to writing a press release. At COSMOS we make sure you are noticed and heard.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Blog Writing

‘Blog writing’ is successfully making a mark in the industry today. A Blog as we all know is a personal chronological log of thoughts which are published on a web page, hence are also known as Weblog.

A Blog is an extremely interesting piece of writing. It helps people express their innermost thoughts, personal experiences, hobbies, and can be even maintained as an online journal. What makes a Blog different from any other form of writing is that they are written by people ‘for’ people. Without inhibitions; one can express their thoughts freely.

A ‘Blog’ helps you share your personal thoughts and views. It serves as a good medium for expressing effectively. Any website no matter how colorful, interactive and interesting, it is always about the ‘words’. Hence at COSMOS, they will be your thoughts with our words.

Today with the recent release of the ‘Google Patent for Blog PageRank, keywords have become essential, as the algorithm applies multiple content relevancy, link-to-search relevancy tests to determine the correct match. Keyword rich content helps increase page ranking. Clickable titles, timeless words all contribute to a Blog. Hence a Blog can be utilized in various ways. It is multi-purpose.

We at COSMOS value ‘words’ and believe in not wasting them. They have to create and make an impact. They fight like the army and we believe in winning the battle. Editing a Blog is as important as creating or writing one. A professional by removing a few words could add new thoughts with a whole new dimension.

A Blog has to be timeless, no matter how many times you read it, no matter after how many years it should always leave you intrigued. So we here at COSMOS believe in more of ‘hard work’ and less of ‘luck’.